About this course
When you meet someone new, studies have shown that the other person will judge you and make decisions about you in the first 7 seconds! To make sure that you will be well remembered, you will learn the art of making an outstanding first impression consistently. This is what you'll learn: - Learn to make a good first impression - Learn social skills secrets to be liked - Learn to be the most memorable person in the room - Learn how to master the first 7 seconds - Become socially successful This Course Reveals Social Skills Secrets That Few People Know! You don't have a second chance to make a good first impression that's why it is important to know exactly how to make a good first impression consistently. Content & overview You will learn exactly what to say & what to do when you approach someone new so this person will say that you are the most interesting person he met that day. You will learn the most effective ways to approach people, what to say & what to do so they will like you consistently. You will learn the charismatic way of approaching anyone, how to remember the names of the people you meet, how to remove the fear of approaching someone so you can be friendly & socially attractive, how to be confident & hide your stress gesture when meeting someone new, how to attract people like a magnet with your eye contact & smile, how to have an interesting conversation with everyone and know exactly what to say, how to never have the awkward moment of not knowing what to say...and so much more!
This course includes:
schedule5 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Nov 5, 2022
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
errorNo prerequisites
lock1 year access
calendar_todayUpdated At Jul 27, 2024