About this course
Are you a business owner planning to operate in Quebec? Or are you interested in understanding Quebec's Bill 96? This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the bill's implications and how it affects businesses operating in Quebec. The course covers topics such as the atmosphere surrounding the bill, compliance challenges for businesses, understanding the sweeping powers of the complex language office, and the importance of compliance and the efforts needed. You'll learn about the penalties for non-compliance, the new language requirements for businesses, and the steps you need to take to ensure compliance. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of the implications of the law, the challenges businesses face, and how to navigate the new language laws in Quebec. Some of the topics discussed: Quebec's Bill 96 and its strengthening of French language rules in the province Implications of the legislation for different stakeholders, especially in the context of Quebec's unique history and cultural significance The atmosphere surrounding the bill, including fear and confusion around the changes, and how companies are trying to inform their clients and navigate compliance challenges Compliance challenges for businesses, including the delicate balance between compliance and daily operations The decline of the French language in Quebec and the shared responsibility of the government and businesses to promote it Understanding the implications of Law 96 for companies operating in Quebec, including penalties for non-compliance and steps businesses can take to reduce their risk of fines Understanding the sweeping powers of the Complex Language Office and how it can investigate businesses suspected of not operating in French The importance of compliance for businesses to function and contribute to the economy, and the efforts needed to adapt to the new requirements of doing business in Quebec Incorporating the French language in business operations in Quebec, including the importance of tailoring communication to the French language and offering commercial documents in French Recommendations for new businesses setting up shop in Quebec, including the need for contracts in French and having all employment tools in both languages.
This course includes:
schedule1 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Apr 10, 2023
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
errorNo prerequisites
lock1 year access
calendar_todayUpdated At Jul 27, 2024