It is well known that emotional intelligence and, more specifically, empathy are more important than cognitive intelligence for professional success.
Research from Gallup indicates that teams with higher levels of empathy show 50% higher productivity compared to those with lower levels of empathy. (Source: Gallup - State of the American Workplace Report).
A Harvard Business Review study found that companies with a highly empathetic culture experienced a 20% increase in customer satisfaction. (Source: Harvard Business Review (2014)- The Hard Data on Being a Nice Boss).
A more recent Harvard Business Review study found that employees in organizations with empathetic leadership are 3.4 times more likely to be engaged in their work (2023).
This comprehensive course will enhance your professionalism and your career by helping you focus on the critical aspects of emotional intelligence and empathy in the workplace.
The course will support the development of your emotional intelligence. It will be of interest to anyone who is looking to develop their empathy skills. It explores the way that you can communicate more effectively with others through active listening, and interpreting various verbal and non-verbal signals.
The course provides practical insights and actionable strategies to cultivate empathy, enhance communication, and develop meaningful connections within your organisation.
You will be able to develop essential skills through proven techniques to strengthen your emotional intelligence. These include active listening, perspective-taking, and conflict resolution and so empowering you to navigate your professional relationships with empathy and resilience.