It Doesn't Really Matter How I Write Business Emails, Right?

Author avatarDarrell Littleberry ·Aug 30, 2022

Hmmm…Too many professionals likely have given themselves a pass on how they write email communications.  When something is written, even casually, it automatically has more importance.  The truth is we compose a myriad of emails daily and send an equal amount of impressions about ourselves.   Another fact is email conveys your consideration, tone, and likability forming what the reader thinks about you.  Ok, I will stop beating around the bush, people judge you based on your emails.  There, I said it out loud;  So does it really matter how you write emails?  Without question, it absolutely does!

I have some colleagues who write emails that read as shorthand constructed in a rush with little to no courtesy or compositional clarity.  What's interesting is I don't necessarily think these people are trying to be mean or curt, but such emails reinforce a negative impression of them.  As a result, every time I see an email from them, I cringe at the thought of opening it and prioritize reading them last.  I know many of you can relate to similar situations.  

Luckily, you don't have to be like these unwitting email sabotagers. Instead of repeatedly making poor impressions, we can use email to make good impressions the first and every time we press send.  Good email etiquette is grounded in how we approach courteous verbal interactions.  For example, if I saw a co-worker in an actual or virtual room, I'd pleasantly greet them, build genuine rapport, and then tackle any business with mutual respect and open collaboration.  We can do the same with emails and it will have a tremendous impact on how others perceive us.  

While I've touched on some particulars for writing winning emails, there is more to know if you want to put your best foot forward in the electronic business ethos.  To build or strengthen solid email writing skills, I invite you to preview my highly rated course, How to Effectively Write Business Emails available on Learnformula.  The course provides essential and comprehensive knowledge to fast-track your ability to be more effective with writing business email communications.  

Enroll today to increase your organizational value, elevate your professional profile, and sharpen your competitive advantage!

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